countries over the period 1975–2010 accounting for 94 systemic banking crises. I ”Cost Benefit Analyses versus Referenda”, publicerad i Journal of We find that a referendum leads to higher welfare than a cost benefit 


If we do not take into account the fact that in the 1997 elections, Albanians were called to vote whether they wanted a monarchy or a republic, it could be said that the referendum held in December 1994 was the only one ever held in the Republic of Albania. 1997 had other problems and presented many difficulties, therefore Leka Zogu’s initiative to be crowned King of Albania was not taken

1 Jul 2007 In January 1991, the Patriarchate of Constantinople appointed the then Bishop Anastasios to enter Albania as the “Patriarchal Exarches" with the  4 Feb 2009 An exploration of the causes of the Macedonian confined ethnic conflict in 2001 suggests that in the first decade of its existence as an  Albania's May 26 parliamentary elections, which produced a landslide political victory for President Sali Berisha's Democratic Party, have come under fire. 4 Nov 1995 In October 1993 Amnesty International published a report1 in which it set out its concerns about increased reports of torture and other  Rugova's shadow government reportedly urges Kosovar Albanians to defend themselves against the Serbs. 5-7 Mar. 1998, After KLA attacks on police, Serb  Goals. Primarily: defend the rights of the Albanian majority; avoid war; demand independence for Kosovo.

Albania referendum 1994

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Istanbul (1993; 2004), Aten (1994; 2008); Jerusalem (1996). 2019. Referendums. 1919 · 1994 Albania · Andorra · Armenia · Austria · Azerbaijan · Belarus · Belgium · Bosnia and Herzegovina · Bulgaria · Croatia · Cyprus  As has been said repeatedly,Albania needs to prove that it can enforce the rule that the proportion of documents transmitted rose from 58.7 % in 1994/95 to 78.3 % in I think that the conflict is still going on, that the referendum is seen by the  Since 1971, the Riksdag has been a unicameral legislature with 349 members , elected proportionally and serving, from 1994 onwards, on fixed four-year terms.

(2) Parts II and XXIII (insofar as they relate to referenda) of the Act of 1992 and this Act may be cited together as the Referendum Acts, 1992 and 1994. Albania, Constitutional Referendum, 22 November 1998: Final Report.

30 Apr 2012 Match 616. European Championship qualifying. 16.11.1994 Tirana. Referee: Melnitschuk (Ukraine). Spectators: 23.000 Abania: Strakosha, 

e. A constitutional referendum was held in Albania on 7 November 1994.

Albania referendum 1994

The Republic of Albania is a unitary and indivisible state. 3. Governance is based on a system of elections that are free, equal, general and periodic. Article 2 1. Sovereignty in the Republic of Albania belongs to the people. 2. The people exercise sovereignty through their representatives or directly. 3.

Albania referendum 1994

Malaysia; Treaty type. Bilateral Investment Treaties Status. In force Date of signature.

Albania referendum 1994

skrutit om sina insatser som regeringschef under den svenska krisen 1991–1994. traditional black-and-red eagle flags that unite ethnic Albanians everywhere. Folkomröstning 1994 – när Sverige röstade ja till EU - DN.SE. Det ble åpnet samtaler om medlemskap for Nord-Makedonia og Albania i mars 2020.
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Albania referendum 1994

3. Governance is based on a system of elections that are free, equal, general and periodic. Article 2 1. Sovereignty in the Republic of Albania belongs to the people.

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Referendum w Albanii w 1994 roku – referendum ogólnokrajowe w sprawie przyjęcia projektu nowej konstytucji opublikowanego 6 października, która zwiększała władzę prezydenta. Referendum odbyło się 7 października 1994 .

Antecedentes. El rey Zog I había tenido que exiliarse de su país cuando la Italia de Mussolini invadido el país e instauró un gobierno títere.Tras el fin de la ocupación italiana y la alemana que le siguió, el comunismo tomó el poder en Albania, convirtiéndola en una República Socialista Popular de mano de Enver Hoxha, quien derrocó a Zog I (que se encontraba en Londres) e instauró Un référendum sur le rétablissement de la monarchie a été organisé en Albanie le 29 juin 1997, en même temps que les élections législatives.Cette proposition est rejetée par 66,7 % des votants, alors que le prince héritier Leka déclara avoir réuni 65,7 % des voix en sa faveur [1], [2], [3 If we do not take into account the fact that in the 1997 elections, Albanians were called to vote whether they wanted a monarchy or a republic, it could be said that the referendum held in December 1994 was the only one ever held in the Republic of Albania. 1997 had other problems and presented many difficulties, therefore Leka Zogu’s initiative to be crowned King of Albania was not taken Albanian constitutional referendum, 1994: | class="infobox" style="text-align: center; font-size:90%;" width=200px | | World Heritage Encyclopedia, the 1994 Albanian constitutional referendum is part of the WikiProject Albania, an attempt to co-ordinate articles relating to Albania on Wikipedia.

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A referendum on restoring the monarchy was held in Albania on 29 June 1997 alongside parliamentary elections. Officially the proposal was rejected by 66.7% of voters, although former Crown Prince Leka claimed that 65.7% voted in favour. Official Results

Gy. La nouvelle Constitution adoptée par le référendum d'octobre a fait une  Serbernas militära dominans var nästan total fram till 1994, inte minst and a delegation representing the ethnic-Albanian majority population of Kosovo. I november hölls ett internt referendum där en övevägande majoritet  Cook Islands Michel 1402 xx, 1994 Winter Olympic Games in Lilleham 59 kr Austria Michel 952-54 or Scott B269-71 x, 1950 Referendum SET 210 kr Albania Michel 2070-71 xx, 1981 35th Anniversary of People´s Army 19 kr  It was completed in 1994. A second petition for a referendum, signed by 57,000 citizens, was submitted to the local government in February  against the euro when Swedes rejected the currency in a 2003 referendum. skrutit om sina insatser som regeringschef under den svenska krisen 1991–1994.